1 / New England Rowing Championships

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Since 1961, Worcester has hosted the New England Rowing Championships—a regional championship regatta for qualifying colleges in New England States. This year, organizers expect over 1,200 competitors from 36 schools. The 2019 regatta will be held on Saturday, May 4th. You can also catch the Big East Championship, Men’s Eastern Sprints Regatta, and New England Interscholastic Rowing Association Regatta each spring.

2019 Schedule:

QRA - New England Rowing Championships: May 4
US Rowing - Women’s Eastern Sprints: May 5
US Rowing - National Invitational Collegiate Championship - May 12
US Rowing - Eastern Sprints - May 19

View the entire schedule

2 / Community Rowing 

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Lake Quinsigamond Community Rowing (LQCR) wants the sport of crew to feel accessible for everyone in Worcester County, regardless of age, ability or experience. Learn to row, join a casual crew, compete, or just drop in for sunset yoga. All are welcome. 

3 / Youth Programming

No experience is necessary for aspiring rowers to enroll in U-19 offerings. The program is coached by LQCR staff as well as select visiting coaches hoping to develop regional strength by inspiring young people. 

4 / National Learn to Row Day

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LQCR will host a free Learn to Row Day on Saturday, June 1st from 8 AM to 12 PM at Regatta Point State Park. Sessions will take place hourly. Participants can reserve a spot by emailing worcesterboatclub@gmail.com.

Did You Know?

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Competitive rowing teams began racing on Lake Quinsigamond as early as 1857 and many national competitions have made use of its preferred shores over the years. In 1952, the National Olympic rowing trials were held on Lake Quinsigamond followed by the US Nationals in 1979 and the US Masters Nationals in 2005.