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Free Admission & Workshops

For the entire month of February, the museum will be spreading its love of history by offering free museum admission and special workshops for all ages.

Current Exhibits 

Enjoy the current featured exhibits, which include: "Discovering Black Roots in Worcester" - recognizing and celebrating the experiences of black people; “Stories They Tell” - historical artifacts and the fascinating stories behind them; and “In Their Shirtsleeves” - the story of the innovators and workers who made Industry the story of Worcester.

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The programming schedule is jam-packed with fun and educational tours, workshops, scavenger hunts, and crafts!

History Bites: Furnished in Appropriate Style

Sunday, February 16 / 1 PM & 2:30 PM at Salisbury Mansion 

Did you know several items of furniture at the Salisbury Mansion are original? Join Robert Stacy on a tour of the Mansion and discover the stories behind furniture that were used by the Salisbury family. Limit 12 per tour. RSVP to 508-753-8278.

School Vacation Week 

Tuesday - Friday, February 18-21

Enjoy the hands-on Alden Family Gallery. Flip a burger in Mrs. B's Diner, shop in Stephen Salisbury's store circa 1780, pick up a shift in the factory, and explore City Square!

In the Creative Adventures in Cursive Handwriting workshop, kids aged 8 to 15 will learn the art of cursive handwriting. Or drop in for a family scavenger hunt at History Detectives!

Workshops are from 10 AM — NOON. RESERVATIONS are requested via our website or call 508-753-8278.

Black History Discovery Day

Saturday, February 22, 11 AM-2 PM

Bring your photos, documents and other treasures for scanning into the archives.

Reading Photographs

Thursday, February 27, 6 PM 

Photos can give us insights into the past. What we see, however, may be incomplete, misinterpreted, or even fraudulent. In this talk, with Robert Stacy, we will look at some historic photos and discuss the questions we should ask when we attempt to read and interpret photographs from the past.

Celebrate Worcester's 172nd Birthday

Saturday, February 29, 2 PM - 4 PM

Visit 30 Elm for a sweet birthday treat!

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Full Schedule  

Check out the full schedule of events happening all month at the Worcester Historical Museum located at 30 Elm Street in Worcester Massachusetts.